Polar Bear Chronicles

The Truth About the Bears & the Bees November 19 2015, 0 Comments

Polar bears and honey bees face the same life-threatening challenges--and ecological farming can help them both.


What does pollution have to do with polar bears? November 19 2015, 0 Comments

Polar bears in damaged health are by definition less able to withstand the rigors ordinary in arctic life--let alone to survive in the face of climate change, habitat loss and long-term hunger.  By itself, reducing toxic pollution cannot hope to save them; it can diminish the assaults on their health, and in that way help give them a fighting chance.

How hooey science and saleable headlines fog our view of polar bears November 19 2015, 0 Comments

In the 1960s, we are told, there were only some 5,000 polar bears in the world--and then we are told the number has since quadrupled.  There are two problems here.  One is that the 1960s number is hooey. 

What We Will Save When We Save the Polar Bear November 19 2015, 0 Comments

One thing we will save, when we save the polar bear, is gigantic and singular beauty. 

Nothing to eat and nowhere to sit down. More bad news for polar bears November 19 2015, 0 Comments

Polar bears stranded on land are not getting enough food, and what food they are getting is not suited to their biological needs

Outside the Dreams of Polar Bears: Migratory Poisons November 19 2015, 0 Comments

The by-products, the toxic chemical residues of human production, are not only at the polar bear’s door, but in the polar bear. . . . Sonne and his colleagues believe a complex of  POPs known to be endocrine-system disruptors have steeply raised the threat of reproductive failure for polar bears, presenting a “serious challenge to the species’ survival."